G-Dragon booked for drug use

2023. 10. 25. 20:36
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G-Dragon (Herald DB)

G-Dragon, 35, a former leader of the K-pop band Big Bang, was reportedly booked for drug use on Wednesday.

G-Dragon, whose real name is Kwon Ji-yong, is under police investigation for breaching the Narcotics Control Act without detention, according to local media citing Incheon Metropolitan Police.

Despite reports linking the investigation to the alleged drug use of Lee Sun-kyun, who starred in the Oscar-winning “Parasite,” police denied any connection between the two cases.

The artist’s label commented that it does not have any information about the case.

G-Dragon was previously connected to another drug scandal in 2011. He admitted to the use of marijuana at a club in Japan, but said he was unaware of the substance he had accepted and prosecutors dropped the case.

By Lim Jae-seong(forestjs@heraldcorp.com)

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