Girl group Craxy to release new music on March 23

조용준 2023. 3. 3. 16:16
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Girl group Craxy will release new music on March 23 with a complete "reboot," announced its agency SAI Entertainment on Friday. The teaser “Good Bye 'Zero'” released on the group's YouTube channel on March 2 summed up Craxy’s ...
Girl group Craxy [SAI ENTERTAINMENT]

Girl group Craxy will release new music on March 23 with a complete "reboot," announced its agency SAI Entertainment on Friday.

The teaser “Good Bye 'Zero'” released on the group's YouTube channel on March 2 summed up Craxy’s fictional universe, reviewing its four previous music releases. At the end of the video, the girl group is seen breaking the existing logo of the girl group with a bat, with the word “nugudom” revealed at the end of the teaser video.

It is unclear whether “nugudom” is the upcoming title of a track or the album name of the girl group’s next release.

The agency also released a statement that the girl group’s upcoming release will be an attempt to go back to its roots and “reorganize everything.”

“Craxy’s worldview [fictional universe] ‘ZERO’ has come to an end,” the statement reads.

“We give our sincere apology for the disappointment [...] to Crowns who have been waiting for [...] the last chapter,” said the agency. Crown is the name of Craxy's fandom.

The agency admitted its hardship managing a girl group in the pandemic as a rookie agency, saying that its previous attempts of preparing four albums at once were ambitious but lacked quality.

The production of a track titled “End of Game” was completed but the agency said that it decided to cancel its release.

“Our choice was to reorganize everything and make a bold decision [to] ‘Reboot’,” said the agency, promising that the girl group’s future music will focus more on quality.

The agency ended its statement by reiterating that Craxy’s original concept as a “performance group” will remain unchanged for future releases.

Comprised of Woo-Ah, Swan, ChaeY, HyeJin and KaRin, Craxy debuted in March 2020 with its first EP “My Universe."

Girl group Craxy's latest video uploaded on YouTube teasing its upcoming release [SAI ENTERTAINMENT]


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