Hair-thin OLED Fibers

원포인트 2018. 2. 19. 11:03
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A South Korean team of researchers has fabricated highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) on an ultra-thin fiber.

When a button is pressed, a 65-inch display turns on. The display can be stored as being rolled down into a small tube.

This image that exactly mimics real nature features on an ultralarge screen made with 246 88-inch OLED panels.

Technologies for the next-generation high-end OLED displays have been evolving very fast.

A research team at South Korea's state-run Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has successfully built OLED on fiber thinner than a human hair.

A thread is dipped into a luminous substance gently and slowly.

A thin and even OLED layer is created on the surface of the thread.

A light turns on when the OLED fiber is charged.

[Kwon Seon-Il, researcher, KAIST] "We've found that the OLED fibers, based on the conventional OLED, can be woven into the fabric without any performance degradation."

The low-cost, durable fiber-based OLED is expected to open a way to commercialize a wide range of wearable devices.

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