[단독] 朴 국제법무팀, 지난 8월부터 "감옥 처우 나쁘다" 유엔 등에 주장

정재영 2017. 10. 18. 11:44
음성재생 설정
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뇌물수수 등 혐의로 구속된 박근혜 전 대통령의 국제법무팀이 지난 8월부터 국제사회에 인권문제를 제기한 사실이 18일 확인됐다.

박 전 대통령의 국제법무를 총괄하는 로드니 딕슨 변호사가 소속된 영국 런던 기점의 글로벌 법무법인 TGC 홈페이지를 살펴보면 딕슨 변호사 수임 이력 두번째에 ‘박근혜 전 대한민국 대통령’이라고 적혀있다.

TGC는 특히 “박 전 대통령이 뇌물 등 혐의로 탄핵됐다”고 소개하면서 “그의 가족과 측근, 지지자들은 딕슨 변호사에게 박 전 대통령의 구금을 막기 위해 국제적인 모든 조치를 취해달라고 요청했고, 특히 악화하는 건강상태를 고려해줄 것을 당부했다”고 소개했다. TGC는 특히 유엔 인권위원회 산하 '자의적 구금에 관한 실무그룹'(UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)이나 유엔의 다른 기구의 활동에 앞서 조속한 조치가 시작됐다고 밝혔다. 이는 한국 인권 상황에 대한 유엔 인권위원회의 정기 조사 시기 등을 염두한 것으로 풀이된다.

박 전 대통령 석방을 위해 형성된 국제인권연맹으로 알려진 ‘MH 그룹’ 홈페이지에 따르면 국제사회를 통한 박 전 대통령 구호 활동은 지난 8월 15일로 거슬러 올라간다. 이날 MH그룹에 올라온 게시물에는 박 전 대통령의 이력과 탄핵 상황 등이 구체적으로 소개됐다. 

특히 박 전 대통령의 건강이 악화한 상황이기 때문에 유엔 실무그룹과 8월 21∼25일 회의를 할 계획이고, 박 전 대통령을 석방하지 않고 자의적으로 계속 구금하는 것은 국제법 위반이라고 주장할 것이라고 덧붙였다.

MH그룹은 특히 딕슨 변호사가 국제형사재판소(ICC)에서 일한 전력을 소개하고, MH그룹 회장으로 알려진 미샤나 호세이니온은 옥스포드 대학 교수로 아프리카 인권법원과 ICC에서 일했다고 소개했다.

MH그룹은 지난 9월20일 홈페이지 글에서 박 전 대통령 구금이 계속되고 있고 치료가 적절하지 않다는 골자의 서한을 유엔 인권고등판무관실 등 유엔 산하 관련기관들에 보낸 사실을 구체적으로 소개했다. 특히 “박 전 대통령이 효과적 치료를 받지 못하고 이를 위한 임시 석방을 얻지 못했다“면서 “박 대통령은 비인간적이며 굴욕적인 대우를 받아왔다”고 주장했다.

폭력적이고 강압적인 심문이 이어졌고, 수면부족에 시달렸으며, 수갑을 오래 차 타박상을 입었지만 적절한 치료를 받지 못했다고 덧붙였다. 이 같은 내용의 서한은 박 전 대통령의 가족과 측근, 지지자들의 요청으로 작성돼 제출됐다고 덧붙였다.

박 전 대통령의 구속 연장 결정이 내려지기 전에 유엔 기구 등을 접촉해 성과를 낼 것이라는 내용도 포함됐다.

박 전 대통령이 몇몇 만성적인 질병에 대해 정기적이고 효과적인 치료를 거부 당하는 등 필수적인 의료 서비스를 박탈당했다고 주장했다. 지속된 구금으로 건강이 악화한 상황에서도 잠정 석방이나 가택 연금 등의 방법을 통한 적절한 의료 혜택 기회도 박탈당했다고 덧붙였다.

MH그룹은 박 전 대통령에 대한 신속한 석방과 필요한 의료 조치를 위해 유엔기구 및 각국 정부에 지체없이 관련 내용을 알리겠다고 강조했다.

MH그룹은 박 전 대통령 구속기간 연장이 결정된 지난 13일 홈페이지 게시문을 통해 법원 결정은 너무나 가혹하다며 비난했다. 딕슨 변호사는 게시문을 통해 “박 전 대통령은 국제기준에 따라 석방돼야 한다”며 “유엔은 박 전 대통령의 권리를 위해 나서야 한다”고 촉구했다. MH그룹 회장인 호세이니온은 “박 전 대통령에 대한 적절한 처분 여부는 문재인 정부 사법시스템에 대한 진정한 시험대가 될 것”이라고 밝혔다.

앞서 MH그룹은 지난달 일간지 광고를 통해 “MH 그룹과 딕슨 변호사가 8월 15일 제네바 소재 ‘UN인권위원회, UN 임의적 구금 특별조사위원회’ 등에 보낸 긴급서한이 채택되어 조사가 진행 중”이라고 주장했다.

◇로드니 딕슨 변호사 ♣G영국 법무법인 TGC 홈페이지

■MH그룹 홈페이지 글 전문


Detention of former South Korean President Park Geun-hye challenged

Family, close associates and supporters have taken steps to challenge the detention of the impeached President Park Geun-hye of South Korea, currently on trial in Seoul on charges of corruption, bribery and abuse of power - allegations the former President denies. Dr Mishana Hosseinioun, President of MH Group, acting for these parties, has instructed Rodney Dixon QC as international counsel to launch urgent proceedings before the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva and other UN bodies to protect the former President’s rights and safeguard her well-being.

The first popularly elected female head of state in East Asia and South Korea’s first female president, Ms Park was abruptly impeached by the National Assembly in 2016 and forced out of office on 10 March 2017. In light of her deteriorating health condition, MH Group has filed a comprehensive communication in advance of the UN Working Group’s next meeting on 21- 25 August, urging it and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment to declare the former President’s continued detention without provisional release as arbitrary and in breach of international law.

Rodney Dixon, considered one of the top barristers in his field, has appeared before the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of several governments, senior accused and victim groups. Dr Hosseinioun is a Lecturer at the University of Oxford and has contributed to landmark judgments at the African Court of Human Rights and the ICC.

The team is closely monitoring the trial proceedings in Seoul to place all relevant information before the UN ‘special procedures’ bodies, and to highlight the prior impeachment proceedings and conditions of detention ahead of the UN Universal Periodic Review of the Republic of Korea, where the country’s human rights record will be under review.



Statement concerning the continuing detention and ill treatment of President Park Geun-hye in South Korea

On 15 August 2017, an urgent Communication was submitted to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva. It outlined that the on-going detention and treatment of President Park Geun-hye in South Korea, particularly in light of her deteriorating health, constituted a violation of her fundamental human rights, including her right against arbitrary detention, her right against inhuman and degrading treatment, and her right to a fair trial. It is a matter of extreme concern that the national courts have refused President Park’s repeated requests to be released during her trial, without proper justification, even though she is ill and has collapsed in court.

The Communication, which was also submitted directly to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, has asked for an urgent finding that President Park’s detention is arbitrary and unlawful under international law, especially since she has not been granted provisional release to receive effective medical treatment and care; that President Park has been treated in an inhuman and degrading manner; and, that her trial is marred by procedural and other irregularities which undermine her rights to a fair trial.

The urgent Communication was submitted on the instructions of President Park’s family, close associates and supporters, by an international legal team led international human rights law Barrister, Rodney Dixon QC, and the President of the MH Group, Dr. Mishana Hosseinioun.

Given new reports that President Park will be sentenced on 17 October in the national proceedings, the international legal team urges the Working Group swiftly to consider and decide on the Communication, and to take immediate steps to guarantee President’s Park fundamental rights. The team is in direct contact with the Working Group to obtain an expedited outcome.

President Park has been detained in South Korea for almost six months following impeachment proceedings that were plainly politically motivated and not based on cogent and credible legal and evidential considerations. President Park was denied the right to be presumed innocent. Her treatment in detention can only be described as inhuman and degrading, and has included sleep deprivation, abusive and coercive interrogations, and excessively rough treatment that has left her with bruises from handcuffs.

She has been denied regular and effective medical treatment for several chronic and painful medical conditions, and was deprived of essential medical care after collapsing in court. Despite the pressing matter of her deteriorating health, exacerbated by her continued detention, she has been denied any opportunity to receive adequate medical care through provisional release or options of house arrest. All of her efforts to secure provisional release have fallen on deaf ears and been denied without good reason. It is internationally accepted that detention is the exception under international human rights standards, and is only justified in exceptional circumstances. None of these pertain in the present case which does not concern violent crimes; President Park is not a flight risk; and she presents no danger to any witnesses and will not interfere in the proceedings. She is in dire need of medical care outside of prison. There is simply no reason to detain her while her trial continues.

In addition, the criminal proceedings against her for bribery and other charges have been characterised by serious irregularities which demonstrate that President Park’s right to a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal has been violated. Her continued detention is therefore arbitrary. This is highlighted by an artificially expedited and unduly protracted trial schedule that denies President Park the ability adequately to prepare for, and fully participate in, the proceedings. It is also evident in the fact that interrogators have used coercive and abusive interrogation techniques against her, and her co-accused likely to provide evidence adverse to her, in order to obtain confessions and evidence. These interrogations have included severe sleep deprivation and threats of physical harm or arrest against those interviewed and their families.

Given the very serious and continuing human rights violations committed against President Park, the international legal team will be bringing these breaches to the attention of the UN Human Rights Council during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Korea’s human rights’ compliance in November 2017. The violations that President Park has endured are a stain on South Korea’s human rights’ record, and the UPR will provide a unique opportunity for the UN to address the matter head-on.

The international legal team will be making representations to all relevant UN bodies, and Governments, to intervene to have President Park released without delay and to be able to receive the necessary medical attention.

If there are any questions or for any further information, please contact Rodney Dixon QC at RodneyDixonQC@tgchambers.com / +447940577062 or Haydee Dijkstal at haydeedijkstal@gmail.com / +447407391020.


Extension of Park detention excessive and unduly harsh

The international legal team for ex-President Park Geun-hye of South Korea, led by Rodney Dixon QC, barrister and human rights lawyer from London, and instructed by the international justice consultancy MH Group, is dismayed that the trial court in Seoul has extended her detention for a further 6 months. She has already been in prison for over 6 months during which time her health has markedly deteriorated without proper medical care. Ms Park is an elderly woman who suffers from chronic medical conditions which need constant and dedicated care that can only be properly administered out of prison.

It is most unfortunate that the court has held that Ms Park must remain in custody when there are no legitimate lawful grounds for depriving her of her liberty while her trial continues. Under accepted international standards, detention is the exception. It should only be ordered when absolutely necessary as persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The assertion of the prosecutor that Ms Park may not attend her hearings or attempt to destroy evidence are made without any substantiation. The court could in any event always impose conditions for provisional release or house arrest if there were any genuine and proven concerns. This would fairly balance Ms Park’s rights with those of the continuing prosecution.

The court’s decision is excessive and unduly harsh in the circumstances. Ms Park is ailing and vulnerable. She needs medical treatment out of custody. The extension is particularly punitive when there has been no verdict. The court has not even as yet heard the defence case.

It is for all of these reasons that the international legal team have filed a Communication with UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva, requesting that it intervene as swiftly as possible. The UN Working Group is seized of the case and dealing with it urgently. Dixon, instructed by MH Group on behalf of the ex-President, will also be filing a submission with UN Human Rights Council at the beginning of this week in light of the extension order, urging the Council and all member States to act promptly to protect Ms Park’s rights and well-being ahead of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review of South Korea’s human rights record on 9 November 2017 in Geneva.

“The UN must act to uphold Ms Park’s rights to fair and decent treatment while on trial, and it is incumbent on the South Korean authorities to grant provisional release in accordance with long-standing international standards,” said Rodney Dixon QC. About the case, MH Group President and Oxford University lecturer, Dr Mishana Hosseinioun warned that “the proper handling or mishandling of former President Park’s case by the local justice system will be the true litmus test for the Moon government.”

If there are any questions or for any further information, please contact Rodney Dixon QC at RodneyDixonQC@tgchambers.com / +447940577062 or Haydee Dijkstal at haydeedijkstal@gmail.com / +447407391020.

정재영 기자 sisleyj@segye.com

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