2017. 8. 18. 20:52
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11-M Train bomb attacks in Madrid 2004

epa06149777 (FILE) - Police officers inspect the area next to an exploded suburban train wagon at Santa Eugenia railway station in Madrid, Spain, 11 March 2004 (reissued 18 August 2017). At least 14 people have died and more than 100 were injured in suspected terrorist attacks in the Catalonian cities of Barcelona and Cambrils on 17 August 2017. They were the most severe terror attacks on Spanish soil since the 11 March 2004 attacks (11-M), when terrorists from Al Qaeda placed various bombs in four commuter trains in three different stations of the Spanish capital, killing a total of 191 people and injuring more than 2,000 others. EPA/FERNANDO ALVARADO *** Local Caption *** 00151339

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