2017. 5. 30. 18:05
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Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano briefs Diplomatic Corps on current situation in Mindanao

epa05998707 Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano delivers his opening remarks during a briefing for the Diplomatic Corps on the current situation in Mindanao in Pasay City, south of Manila, Philippines, 30 May 2017. According to news reports, more than a 100 people have been killed in ongoing clashes between rebels and the Philippine army in Marawi in southern Philippines, a government spokesperson said. At least four rebels from the Maute group - with links to the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS, ISIL) - and two soldiers were killed on 30 May, government spokesperson Ernesto Abella, said in a press conference. Since the clashes broke out a week ago, the number of casualties has climbed to 104, including 19 civilians, 65 rebels, 17 soldiers and three police officers. The clashes began on 23 May when an army offensive to capture Isnilon Hapilon, leader of the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf, also loyal to the IS, and who was sheltered by members of the Maute group in Marawi, had failed. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO

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