Giant Lantern Festival lights up Hanoi capital

2016. 12. 4. 02:39
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The Giant Lantern Festival began at Gamuda City, a residential area in Hoang Mai District, 7km from Hanoi downtown on December 3. Colourful lanterns created by artisans from the Republic of Korea were lighted up at the festival, the first of its kind in Hanoi.

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[04/12/2016 00:36:17] The Giant Lantern Festival began at Gamuda City, a residential area in Hoang Mai District, 7km from Hanoi downtown on December 3. Colourful lanterns created by artisans from the Republic of Korea were lighted up at the festival, the first of its kind in Hanoi. Forty giant lanterns - 10m-30m high – are divided into different zones, and the light and music system were arranged by Korean specialists. A total of 50,000sq.m have been used for displaying the lanterns; booths selling goods, souvenirs and food; Vietnamese-Korean culture exchange area; kids’ games area; and stages for entertainment activities. The festival will run until January 22. Photo: A view of the festival. VNA Photo: Minh Đức.

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