Napalm Girl

2015. 10. 24. 23:10
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Kim Phuc

In this June 8, 1972, photo, television crews including ITN reporter Christopher Wain and South Vietnamese troops surround 9-year-old Kim Phuc on Route 1 near Trang Bang after a South Vietnamese plane targeting suspected Viet Cong positions accidentally dropped its flaming napalm on the civilian village. The terrified girl had ripped off her burning clothes while fleeing, but still suffered serious burns over a third of her body. AP photographer Nick Ut remembers her screaming in Vietnamese, "Too hot! Too hot!" To take her to a hospital, he put her in the AP van where she crouched on the floor, her burnt skin raw and peeling off her body as she sobbed, "I think I'm dying, too hot, too hot, I'm dying." (AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)

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▶연합뉴스 앱 지금 바로 다운받기~

<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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